LS Tour Links 2003 'Hidden Statistics'

NOTE: An explanation of the contents and columns in this table can be found on the index page

Hole-Outs Per Hole Played (Using Real-Time Swing At Elite Level)
RankNameRoundsHolesHole OutsGreen ChipsHPHGCPH
1Belmont13624482470 10.09% 0.00%
2Major781404660 4.70% 0.00%
3JGD3315327541100 3.99% 0.00%
4Thirdeye811458490 3.36% 0.00%
5JimArmstrong1221660 2.78% 0.00%
6AlleyKat48864230 2.66% 0.00%
7Robert_Lejoly1323460 2.56% 0.00%
8Watchwolf1973546870 2.45% 0.00%
9itsjacko1221650 2.31% 0.00%
10sevillano1122016440 2.18% 0.00%
11Mike_Wood2524536940 2.07% 0.00%
12FIRESOLE751350270 2.00% 0.00%
13Hawkeye1051890370 1.96% 0.00%
14FatBloke2023636630 1.73% 0.00%
15sobigofme781404160 1.14% 0.00%

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Generated by TourStats v1.02.02 at 12:11:59 on Thursday 02 February 2006 from LS Tour pages read between 11:05:30 and 11:20:47 on Thursday 02 February 2006 (all times GMT Standard Time)