Index/Commentary | Rankings | Normalised Points | Penalty Strokes | Hole Outs |
Abilities: All | Champ | Pro | Amateur | Elite |
Swings: All | Classic | PowerStroke | Real-Time |
NOTE: An explanation of the contents and columns in this table can be found on the index page
Player Rankings (Using Real-Time Swing At Champ Level) | |||||||
Rank | Name | Events | Finishes | Points | Adj. Points | Eff. Rating | NPPE |
1 | itsjacko | 3 | 3 | 876000 | 67172694.45 | 22390898.151 | 4088000.0 |
2 | sevillano | 83 | 81 | 23614125 | 1810758451.35 | 21816366.884 | 3983105.4 |
3 | BruceM | 76 | 75 | 14082000 | 1079824067.67 | 14208211.417 | 2594052.6 |
4 | RayMitch | 3 | 3 | 432000 | 33126260.28 | 11042086.759 | 2016000.0 |
5 | Watchwolf | 35 | 31 | 4612392 | 353683559.94 | 10105244.570 | 1844956.8 |
6 | JGD33 | 35 | 29 | 4436625 | 340205542.84 | 9720158.367 | 1774650.0 |
7 | JUANDEGA | 36 | 34 | 4259625 | 326632977.86 | 9073138.274 | 1656520.8 |
8 | Thirdeye | 59 | 51 | 6538965 | 501415408.65 | 8498566.248 | 1551618.8 |
9 | Hawkeye | 40 | 35 | 3705552 | 284146018.58 | 7103650.464 | 1296943.2 |
10 | MvanTonder | 52 | 35 | 4333266 | 332279855.02 | 6389997.212 | 1166648.5 |
11 | footsie | 42 | 40 | 3466500 | 265815234.38 | 6328934.152 | 1155500.0 |
12 | PacodeGarcia | 36 | 31 | 2819790 | 216224762.66 | 6006243.407 | 1096585.0 |
13 | Bugsibaja | 4 | 4 | 301500 | 23119369.15 | 5779842.288 | 1055250.0 |
14 | Belmont | 47 | 36 | 3496560 | 268120269.99 | 5704686.596 | 1041528.5 |
15 | Nick64 | 14 | 8 | 912750 | 69990727.01 | 4999337.644 | 912750.0 |
16 | dampisheddy | 14 | 10 | 904725 | 69375360.72 | 4955382.908 | 904725.0 |
17 | Highlander | 60 | 38 | 3558033 | 272834090.82 | 4547234.847 | 830207.7 |
18 | GregoJohnson | 95 | 53 | 5550264 | 425600671.01 | 4480007.063 | 817933.6 |
19 | Knighton | 48 | 38 | 2745187 | 210504118.23 | 4385502.463 | 800679.5 |
20 | FirebladeUK | 28 | 16 | 1532250 | 117494704.42 | 4196239.444 | 766125.0 |
21 | cobbs | 13 | 11 | 582300 | 44651438.33 | 3434726.026 | 627092.3 |
22 | LongShanks | 17 | 8 | 747000 | 57280825.06 | 3369460.298 | 615176.5 |
23 | sobigofme | 40 | 38 | 1606875 | 123217035.84 | 3080425.896 | 562406.3 |
24 | ArchMcM | 5 | 5 | 196500 | 15067847.56 | 3013569.511 | 550200.0 |
25 | vidaljerome | 65 | 43 | 2457900 | 188474618.37 | 2899609.513 | 529393.8 |
26 | daveo | 72 | 42 | 2652925 | 203429361.22 | 2825407.795 | 515846.5 |
27 | SLAMINSHACK | 43 | 16 | 1104750 | 84713509.36 | 1970081.613 | 359686.0 |
28 | Janni | 6 | 5 | 125250 | 9604315.05 | 1600719.174 | 292250.0 |
29 | skoda | 23 | 8 | 427050 | 32746688.55 | 1423769.067 | 259943.5 |
30 | DodgyKnee | 5 | 4 | 25500 | 1955369.53 | 391073.906 | 71400.0 |
Generated by TourStats v1.02.02 at 12:11:57 on Thursday 02 February 2006 from LS Tour pages read between 11:05:30 and 11:20:47 on Thursday 02 February 2006 (all times GMT Standard Time)