LS Tour Links 2003 'Hidden Statistics'

NOTE: An explanation of the contents and columns in this table can be found on the index page

Penalties Per Round Played (Using PowerStroke Swing At Any Level)
1webfox102883043577376290 0.771
2ruofud4481724707816 0.205
3Mcp724219206450010922 0.202
4dmhbird26155900067912 0.152
5SharK55200200202 0.100
6bundy9966769158032228 0.087
7greensmachine6949370580022912 0.052
8rbruyere139285250472 0.043
9grim_x494859230001948 0.041
10forethebirds443410099681546 0.039
11Euan12222732150882 0.023
12Lofter514221122131824 0.022
13Kaden16156178665002344 0.017
14Thirdeye705591655252504 0.016
15GregHankins593543403421852 0.011
16Louis_Caissie101101429980864040 0.000
17frislev978148246723500 0.000
18AsbjornSig767632568663040 0.000
19FRAITDOG614317197252090 0.000
20kinee52457570611890 0.000
21spanky5934297415291270 0.000
22Gabzy30248856751040 0.000
23Ratdog2120951790810 0.000
24StoneHans20192343817790 0.000
25TaMorita19196798000760 0.000
26KCJammer1917605850710 0.000
27DannyPS1514748928590 0.000
28kilkenny179169400510 0.000
29andystillwater168231700510 0.000
30gate17011312396000490 0.000
31Percibal1592214000480 0.000
32TallGuy50cj106124950320 0.000
33JohnC031065569052230 0.000
34seancrain84179480220 0.000
35Dudleydoright55394275200 0.000

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Generated by TourStats v1.02.02 at 12:11:54 on Thursday 02 February 2006 from LS Tour pages read between 11:05:30 and 11:20:47 on Thursday 02 February 2006 (all times GMT Standard Time)