LS Tour Links 2003 'Hidden Statistics'

NOTE: An explanation of the contents and columns in this table can be found on the index page

Hole-Outs Per Hole Played (Using PowerStroke Swing At Pro Level)
RankNameRoundsHolesHole OutsGreen ChipsHPHGCPH
1SharK20360120 3.33% 0.00%
2andystillwater51918270 2.94% 0.00%
3greensmachine22941221030 2.50% 0.00%
4GregHankins1442592620 2.39% 0.00%
5forethebirds1542772660 2.38% 0.00%
6KCJammer711278270 2.11% 0.00%
7Louis_Caissie28504100 1.98% 0.00%
8grim_x1582844550 1.93% 0.00%
9Gabzy1041872350 1.87% 0.00%
10Ratdog811458270 1.85% 0.00%
11Mcp7233594110 1.85% 0.00%
12bundy32257961060 1.83% 0.00%
13Lofter1823276590 1.80% 0.00%
14Dudleydoright2036060 1.67% 0.00%
15kilkenny51918150 1.63% 0.00%
16AsbjornSig3045472890 1.63% 0.00%
17ruofud781404220 1.57% 0.00%
18frislev2324176630 1.51% 0.00%
19Thirdeye1422556380 1.49% 0.00%
20kinee1893402480 1.41% 0.00%
21StoneHans791422190 1.34% 0.00%
22seancrain2239650 1.26% 0.00%
23webfox3616498810 1.25% 0.00%
24dmhbird791422160 1.13% 0.00%
25spanky59621116120 1.08% 0.00%
26rbruyere4784690 1.06% 0.00%
27DannyPS591062110 1.04% 0.00%
28TallGuy50cj3257650 0.87% 0.00%
29FRAITDOG2093762280 0.74% 0.00%

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Generated by TourStats v1.02.02 at 12:11:55 on Thursday 02 February 2006 from LS Tour pages read between 11:05:30 and 11:20:47 on Thursday 02 February 2006 (all times GMT Standard Time)