FIFA 2006 Career Details

Manager Summary
Career file: Q:\Documents and Settings\Steve\My Documents\Backups\FIFA 06\SP1CP1_end_season_4\B. Manager - SP1CP1\B. Manager - SP1CP1
Career last saved: 23:51:42 (GMT Standard Time) on Thursday 23 March 2006
Manager name [ID] (DOB): Steve Pitts [0] ( 5 Jul 1960)
Prestige level: 6
Manager points:  3088.63
Team [ID]: FC Seoul [982]
Team prestige level: 15
Stadium [ID]: Seoul Sang-Am [108]
League [ID]: K-League (Korea) [83]
Region: 2
Completed seasons: 3
Season objective: The board expects a top three finish during this coming season. [3]
Team chemistry:  46.440
Job security:  99.000 (+4.000)
Fired at:  17.5
Fan appreciation:  99.000
Bid points:  3.000
Budget:  6408.00
Ticket price: High
Trophies won: 12 (see Trophy Cabinet for details)
League record: 20-2-2 (1st - 62 pts)
Last game: 16 Dec 2009 - W 0-2 (A) vs. Ulsan Horang-I (K-League Playoffs)
Next game: 20 Dec 2009 - home to Ulsan Horang-I (K-League Playoffs, 2 - 0 agg.)

Staff Upgrades
Striker Coach: Level 3Upgrade Cost: 6000
Midfielder Coach: Level 3Upgrade Cost: 6000
Defence Coach: Level 3Upgrade Cost: 6000
Goalkeeper Coach: Level 3Upgrade Cost: 6000
Negotiator: Level 2Upgrade Cost: 3000
Scout: Level 3Upgrade Cost: 5000
Fitness Coach: Level 5Upgrade Cost: 9000
Stadium Manager: Level 8Upgrade Cost: 55000
Stadium size: Current - 70000 seatsUpgraded - 80000 seats

Sponsorship Contract
Sponsor [ID - flags]: Maxima FM [24 - 129]
Per-game: 4070
League bonus: 28000
Domestic Cup bonus: 0
Extra bonus: 0 - None
Loyalty bonus: 8100 - Finish in the top half
Total bonus: 28000

Scout Status
Location [ID]: Europe [0]
Position [ID]: DEF [1]
Duration: Quick Survey (4 weeks)
Weeks gone: 1
Weeks since last find: 1

Manager History
PeriodRecordPointsPos.Prestige TeamLeague
2005-200640-6-012613 Crystal PalaceFootball League Champ
Trophies won:League Cup
Football League Champ
2006-200724-11-38315 Crystal PalaceFA Premier League
Trophies won:League Cup
FA Premier League
English Cup
2007-200825-9-48416 Crystal PalaceFA Premier League
Trophies won:Community Shield
European Super Cup
League Cup
FA Premier League
English Cup
2008-present20-2-26296 FC SeoulK-League

Trophy Cabinet
2006 League Cup (England)
2005-2006 Football League Champ (England)
2007 League Cup (England)
2006-2007 FA Premier League (England)
2007 English Cup (England)
2007 EFA
2007 Community Shield (England)
2007 European Super Cup
2008 League Cup (England)
2007-2008 FA Premier League (England)
2008 English Cup (England)
2008 ECC

Generated by F2K6DUMP v1.01.08b at 08:10:52 (GMT Daylight Time) on Sunday 04 June 2006
 from career file 'Q:\Documents and Settings\Steve\My Documents\Backups\FIFA 06\SP1CP1_end_season_4\B. Manager - SP1CP1\B. Manager - SP1CP1'